Tuesday 25 June 2013

Chapter 36 - A Grand Day Off

In which our hero takes a break from her exhausting holiday adventures about which she'll explain later ...

So yes. I've been on lots of adventures. Don't worry, you didn't miss a post or anything, and there hasn't been any folds in the space time continuum. I just haven't told you about them yet.

Suffice it to say they made me tired, so I decided to take today off. I got up at noon. Let the chickens out. Ate my brekkie. Watched a disc of Shaun the Sheep while I finished my tea. Then did some important things in my room, like Blu-Tacking my postcards to the wall (previously they were on my magnet board, but I was running out of space) and I also fixed my umbrella again, in the exact same way as last time, but in a different place. After feeling like I'd accomplished something with the postcards and the umbrella, I decided to reward myself with another disc of Shaun the Sheep. Those things are seriously hilarious. You should watch them, if you haven't.

So basically it was a whole day spent vegging in front of the telly, but it didn't feel wasted. It felt restful. I also, at some point, looked through all the DVDs to see which ones were discs with no cases and which were cases with no discs. They very disappointingly didn't work out evenly. It offends my sense of symmetry and order, and also boggles my mind, like how you put two socks in the dryer and only one comes out.

At some point during the day I spent some time watching our three new chickens being all chicken-y and getting windblown and ruffled. They're quite pretty. From a distance they're black, but up close there's dark green on their backs and bits of brown on their chests. We now have five chickens. But how, you say. That doesn't add up! I could swear there used to be eleven! Well, I'll tell you. No, it's too long. I will sum up: Way back when there were two. That's when I first got here. Then Sarah bought three more. Then we got four more from Sarah's friend who was moving house and could no longer accommodate them. So far they're all brown chickens. #1 had names for the first five, and she could tell them apart. I could only tell one because it was lighter. Then we got two more, which were black and dark brown. (#3 used to go out and be like "Where my black one?" -- It was cute.) Then two wandered off when Sarah was hanging out washing and they came in the door by the line and went out the garage door and never came back. Then two more wandered off, but they showed up again the next day. Then on the Saturday of my last exam five got eaten/scared away. We later discovered it was the puppies next door who had squeezed through a whole in the fence and terrorised the poor chooks. Maybe that was actually on the Friday, or Thursday? I don't remember. My mind, needless to say, was otherwise occupied. So there were two brown ones left. Now there's a total of five, because we got three new ones. See?

Anyway. Here's a picture of the three new ones:

 Right. Never mind. Those pictures seem to have decided to save themselves in my phone memory, not on the memory card, and I don't know how to get them off the phone. So here's one of the sheep next door:

It's Shaun the Sheep!
And here's some random pictures of fruits (It's just the one picture, really...):

Oh ho! And you thought cherries were expensive at home!
And here's a lovely one from my walk along the beach the other day, which, as I said, I'll explain later. (Or not. Instead, here's one from the other day at the park near the Arts Centre. Some of the buildings of Surfer's Paradise reflecting in the little man-made lake.)

I'm quite proud of this one. I actually like noticed a particular thing, and took time to frame it and stuff, which doesn't normally happen, and it turned out how I wanted it to, which also doesn't normally happen. Content wise it's quite like a postcard or calendar or advert saying "Come have your business convention on the Gold Coast", but still. I like it. There's nothing wrong with commercial art, right? It's totally valid.
And also, look at these DVDs that they have at the library:

p.s. I totally fully intended to do blogs all day, but then I didn't.

1 comment:

  1. Message relayed from Sharon:

    Hi Christine, I just read your blog for the first time, its very interesting. I look forward to reading more. Your mom and sister are here, we'll send pics! Love you!! Sharon
