Thursday 8 August 2013

Chapter 43 - " ... and there'll be dragons, I shouldn't wonder ... "

In which our hero encounters the biggest lizard she's ever seen ...

Good evening, and welcome to another edition of Christine's Australian Wildlife Adventures. In tonight's program our hero decides to get off the bus a block early, and happens across a really very quite large lizard lurking at the side of the bush. Taking her life into her hands, and with all the care free nonchalance of a foreigner ignorant of such a creature's potential poisonousness, she closes the gap between them by about a meter, and really quite daringly takes it's picture.

OK. So I was still like 3 or 4 meters away. That's not the point. The point is there was a really very quite large lizard just hanging out by the edge of the bush beside the sidewalk on which I was walking.

I circled it, because it's really quite well camouflaged. I only noticed it because it moved a bit just as I walked by.

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