Saturday 1 February 2014

Chapter 52 - A Boat Named Snoopy

In which our hero goes to her friend the Friendly Giant's castle** and encounters a boat named Snoopy.... 

So the date was December 17. I found myself needing to go to Glen's house for some reason. Maybe to get some downloaded TV shows, or to give him something, or who knows what. It doesn't really matter. The date doesn't really matter either, I'm just trying to let you orient yourself in the overall Tarantino-esque story that is my recent blog posts.

So I hopped on a bus, and then got off the bus, and then began walking to Glen's. I encountered three things that I took pictures of.

There was this shiny bark-less tree near the Ashmore TAFE. I think it might be a gum tree. I think I assume everything's a gum tree unless it's obviously something else, like a pine tree.

There was this lovely view of the city. This is on Benowa Road looking sort of south and east.

Lastly, and most awesomely, there was this boat named Snoopy. So naturally I took a picture of it.
**Disclaimer: Glen doesn't really live in a castle. I just said that because it goes with his being a Friendly Giant.

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