Saturday 9 March 2013

Chapter 20 - And Another Thing ...

In which our hero remembers a few things that she forgot to mention earlier ....

I've been forgetting this first one for nearly a month now.  On my very first day Wen Ying made me a sandwich for lunch.  I asked if there was mustard.  She wasn't sure what I was talking about but said I was free to scope out the fridge.  There wasn't any.  I ended up using salad cream or something, which is more a replacement for Miracle Whip than mustard.

Later that day Sarah took me shopping, and I was asking her about it.  I said something like, "Is there just regular yellow mustard here?  And is it like English mustard, or like wimpy American mustard?"  She wasn't sure, cuz she only ever occasionally used Dijon for salad dressings.  (Now just as a disclaimer, calling it "Wimpy American Mustard" is not meant to be a crack at America, or at what we in North America call regular mustard.  It just means it's not nearly as strong as English mustard, which literally brings tears to my eyes and a shudder to my heart.)  (Also, I should say, I very much prefer the wimpy American mustard.  It's all the flavour without the pain.)  Anyways.  We took a gander down the condiments aisle, and I kid you not, this is what we found:

I literally laughed out loud in surprise and amusement.

So naturally I got some, and have enjoyed it on my sandwiches ever since.  Also, just as a little warning/disclaimer/FYI to future wanderers in this magical land, Subway doesn't have regular yellow mustard as a sauce option.  And capsicum means green pepper.  I think I said that earlier, but it's also related to ordering at Subway, so I thought I'd toss it in again.

Here's another thing that happened.  The other day the munchkins came home, and I heard this loud clatter against my door.  (My room is along the path from the garage to the rest of the house).  I later looks out, and realized that #2, who's a young lad of six, had chucked his shoes down right at my door.  I was going to ask him to pick them up, and then it struck me that they looked almost the size of my own shoes.  So I tried one on, and it fit.  Seriously.  My feet are the same size as a six year old boy's.  Well, nearly.  My toes were ever so slightly squished in a way that would be rather uncomfortable over a long period of time.  But still.  Slightly ridiculous, no?  He does have biggish feet for a six year old, though.  And I do have smallish feet for a "grown up".  Not sasquatch feet, like some people.

Anyways.  Friday evening it was dark when I came home.  First time riding the bike at night, but I had my trusty MagLite (Mag-Light?) and flashy back red light, so it was OK.  When I entered the garage, I looked over at the window and there was seriously a gecko doing an impression of Danny Bhoy doing an impression of a gecko.

Danny Bhoy doing an impression of a gecko.

The family was out bowling when I got home, so I carried on with unpacking my back pack and thinking about dinner and watching The Block.  I soon heard a clattering noise at the front screen door, and assumed it was the family coming home.  I thought maybe the kids were trying to come in and the door was locked, as it usually is.  So I went to help them out by unlocking it.  It wasn't kids.  It was a cat.  Trying to get out.  Just to clarify, there's no cats that live in this house.  It was rather shocking.  I ran through the possibilities in my head - was it a random cat that had got in through a forgotten open door?  Had #1 found it and decided it needed a home, despite it having a collar and tags, but now it wanted to escape?  There appeared to be no open doors, though.  And I didn't really think Sarah would allow a stray.  I yelled to Wen Ying that there was a cat, and she was just as surprised as I was.  In it's desperation the poor thing was clambering 2/3 of the way up the screen door in it's attempts to escape.  When I approached it ran like a psycho to the other end of the house, jumped on the table where the hermit crabs live in the play room, jumped half way up the window, caught itself on the venetian blinds, and climbed through them.  I went and opened the back deck door, hoping I could maybe herd it out.  Then I went and opened the blinds, and it was sitting there calmly on the window sill.  I was able to pet it, but when I made an attempt to sort of pick it up or something, it was off again to the front of the house.  I then opened the side door, and went into the craft room to see if I could convince it to come out.  It did, and luckily it noticed the open door and took advantage of it.  Madness.  All I can figure is that it followed me in through the garage door when I came in, and it had only been in the house for a minute or two.  All this time, too, Wen Ying, who laughs in the face of cockroaches and spiders, was hiding in the bathroom because the cat freaked her out so.  It's a good balance, though.  She rescues me from nasty buggies, I deal with random cats/dogs/wombats/other fluffy things.

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