Sunday 24 March 2013

Chapter 25 - Loaves and Fishes

In which our hero feeds some fishes (and turtles, and also an eel) with some bits of loaf...

There was a plan for today to do something fun.  It was going to be either Sea World, or this little place with a museum and a pond where you can feed the turtles.  It ended up being the turtles. It was nice.  I made one slice of bread last for probably 20 minutes because I was just pinching off little bits, and the turtles and fishes would come up and take them.  Quite often the turtles would be almost there, and a fish would swoop in and grab the bit of bread.  They're quick little buggers.  Not even a whole slice, because I gave half of it to #2 who had used his up quickly by doing too big of pieces.  Once the bread ran out we went for an explore and found some swings, where I introduced #2 and #3 to the awesomeness of the under dog.  They loved it.

When we got home I did a bit more homework, and soon enough it started thundering.  I know, right? I was starting to think it never thundered here, only down poured.   It does both.  At the same time, even.  How shocking.  Anyway.  I recorded this little video to demonstrate what I mean by "the rain is so loud here," which I mentioned once or twice before.  It's nearly a minute long, though, and the blog doesn't seem to want to post it.  That's OK.  I'll get the point across eventually.  Maybe I'll see if I can cut it down to like 10 or 15 seconds.

Lastly, I think I got burnt again.  I don't understand.  I was wearing sunscreen.  I put some on before we went grocery shopping, then more just before we left for the turtles.  Unless there's something about bug spray messing with sunscreen's effectiveness, cuz I put on some mozzie spray too.  Blurg.

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