Wednesday 10 April 2013

Chapter 27 - Movie World!

In which our hero has a go at convincing her intrepid companions to join her on the very awesome upside-downy rides, and is unsuccessful ... also chocolate bunnies....

Hello again, dear friends.  I know, I know.  It's been ages and ages.  I had a whole week of holidays and didn't post anything.  You've been lost without me.  Well, not to worry.  Because here's some more adventures through which you can live vicariously.

I think Monday and Tuesday I just did more reading.  Sarah was off to Bluesfest again on Monday, where she got to see Paul Simon (so totally jealous), so the house was basically mine.  By basically I mean totally.  I locked the chickens up again in the evening, and watched the repeat of Doctor Who which was on ABC2 at 8:30.  Then I had a go at dyeing my eggs using food like 20 drops of food colouring, a teaspoon of vinegar, and boiling water.  I used Pillar Box Red, Blue, Green, and Mauve.  The result is below.  Some turned out better than others.  The green ones were a bit weird looking.  The blue and red were the best, although they didn't all turn out the same -- some were in longer and turned out lighter.  I don't know what's up with that.  Did I mention they were brown eggs, too?  So it was a poorly designed experiment, as far as scientific method goes, what with having two unknowns (being the base egg colour and the type of dye used) but it turned out OK.  I should mention as well that normally I use the powdered dyes that Mom buys from the Polish bakery, so that's why the food colouring was an unknown.  I also dyed them raw, which may or may not be wise.  The hot water didn't seem to have cooked them at all though, which is good, and I've eaten all but one and not gotten sick, so I don't think I inadvertently introduced bacteria to them or anything.  All the eggs here are not sold refrigerated, which I think means they haven't been washed, right?  It seems to be OK, though, as nothing has gone wrong yet.  My dyed eggs got re-refrigerated after their transformations, and of course cooked before being eaten.

I guess I'd already eaten a few by the time I took the pic.  I dyed ten.  The two very light ones are mauve.  I think the best two are the back left and back second-left.

Tuesday the kids were home from their Dad's, so we kind of hung out and played a bit, then we all went to Nana & Granddad's for an Easter Egg Hunt, which was fun, and it meant I got more Easter eggs, which were gone by Wednesday noon, I'm pretty sure.  Then the kids stayed there for dinner and Sarah and I went home.  I probably read a bit about mass spectrometers, then watched some telly, and ate some chocolate eggs.

Now we get to the exciting bit with the pictures.  Movie World!  It's actually called Warner Brothers Movie World.  It was pretty cool.  They have this deal on for locals to get a VIP pass, which is basically unlimited visits to Movie World, Sea World, and Wet 'n' Wild, which is a water slide park right beside Movie World.  Now, if I'd waited till April 12th to buy my pass, it would only have cost $40.  But that's the last day of the school holidays (for all the kids around here), and I'd already be back in school.  So I waited to see if we'd actually go to one of the parks, because it was discussed as a holiday activity option, but not for certain.  I ended up ordering it online the morning of.  It looks like this:

It's got my picture on the back and everything.
Before I got that actual shiny pass, which involved printing the receipt at home then taking it to the ticket counter, I got my first ever close-up impression of Movie World.  It was a pedestrian crossing sign.

Tee hee hee.  It's Bugs Bunny feet, see?  It's like those ones with people feet, but different.  (See the 'Campus Tour' post.  I'm sure there's one there.)

Once inside, the first thing we did was go into the Roxy Theatre to see the Ice Age Dawn of the Dinosaurs 4D Experience, which was only about 20 minutes, not the whole movie.  I'm a bit behind on my Ice Ages.  I think I've only seen the first one.  Anyway, the 4th dimension in this case was moving seats and water spraying in our faces when the characters sneezed.  It was fun.  I feel like I should know what the Roxy Theatre is from, but I don't.  Oh well.

Of course now I have the song from 'Chicago' stuck in my head. Nuts.

We then carried on to the Scooby Doo Haunted House/Castle Thing Ride, which was an approximately 45 minute wait. At least, that's what the sign said it would be, but I didn't actually time it.  Needless to say #2 was getting a bit fidgety and impatient by the end of the wait.  (#3 had been dropped off at kindy, which is like daycare, so she wasn't with us.)  #2 also decided that he didn't actually want to go on, but it was too late because we were practically loading at that point.  We should have figured out a way for him to skip it, though, because he got quite scared and didn't want to go on any other rides except the carousel.  Poor kid.  I don't think it was the "scary" stuff that scared him, like the mummies and whatnot, but there was a bit where the carriage went backward, and I think that was the moment of freak-out-ness.

Approach to the Scooby Doo ride.  It was entirely enclosed, too, so mostly quite dark.
Then we went to the Wild West Falls for the log ride, which #2 waited patiently outside of, and waved happily as we went careening down the hill into the water.

You have to walk through the old timey western town to get to the ride.  I think they do some kind of cowboy show in the street here a couple times a day.
At this point we split up, and #1 and I were going to go on the Batman ride, which is basically like Drop Zone, except it shoots you up real fast before it drops you.  The closer we got, the more reluctant #1 got because she realized how actually high it was.  So we turned back to the kiddie zone and went on the roller coaster and the carousel there, then we headed back to Batman and #1 waited patiently by the fountain while I went on.  Then it was time to go.  It was super fun.  Like, really, really, very much fun. 

Since the kids are fairly little, and Sarah's not a big fan of the heights, I'm going to have to go back either by myself or convince some of my new friends to join me.  Definitely going back though.  It's actually not that big.  Not compared to how I remember Canada's Wonderland being.  There's only about six rides rides for the big kids, plus the kiddie zone, plus shows and shops and food places with very long queueueues.

Here's quickly some other things I saw there.

Look Annie look! (It's a Harry Potter Shop!)
A car having been shot up by gangsters! (It's a bit hard to see the bullet holes, but they're there.)(Might be supposed to be Bonnie & Clyde's car?)

Look Dad look!

Mmmm... candy shop ....

This is on the carousel.  It says 'WB Movie World', then underneath 'Hollywood on the Gold Coast'.

Just the Green Lantern and the Flash walking around.  No big deal.  There was a Wonder Woman as well, and a Super Girl.  I don't know why they're not in the picture.

And lastly, the chocolate bunnies.  On Thursday we went for a grocery shop, and ALDI had chocolate bunnies on clearance for 49 cents.  Naturally I bought one.  I also got a litre of sunscreen at Coles for $9. 

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