Wednesday 10 April 2013

Chapter 28 - Dirk Gently's Holistic Bush of Rice Bubbles

In which our hero seems to be running out of clever titles, and starts wondering if she can keep up this 'our hero' sub-heading bit for a full two years, and also some things that were seen at the shops and elsewhere ... also not-chocolate not-bunnies ...

OK, friends.  This is kind of a conglomeration of randoms that I felt needed sharing. 

To begin with, on Wednesday when we got home from Movie World there was a postcard in the mail for me.  From Nepal! (Thanks Christine!)(Not me, obviously.  Another Christine.) 

Here are some interesting things I saw at the shops. 

Doctor Pepper in the foreign food section.

Ya, in Australia.  Where the Jaffa Cakes come in pudding cups.

Snap! Crackle! Pop! Kellog's Rice Bubbles!  (I would really love to know why these cereals are differently named.  I need to talk to a Kellog's marketing person, methinks.)
Here's a different sort of make of vehicle I saw in a car park.

On Saturday I went to Harbour Town (the outlet shopping centre, if you'll remember) on a gum boot finding mission.  I'd seen some there for $10, but when I got to that shop they were closed for renovations, so I went back to the first shop I'd come to as I arrived, and acquired these ...

... which conveniently match my over-arcing theme of blue and red things.  They're actually a size too big, but they didn't have any in my size that I liked the look of.  They also had solid yellow and solid red, and if they'd been in my size I would have got one of them, so as to be like Paddington, but they didn't.  So I figured if I'm going to get a pair not my size, they better be an absolutely awesome colour.  So there you have it.

I also found another koala statue.  This one could be called a Kamo-ala too, because it's called 'Adapting to the Jungle', and it's about humans infringing on critters habitats and how the critters adapt to their new 'jungle'.  Since it was in a more high-traffic area, and also had some additional sculpture work added on, there was protective rope around it.  Also, a 'no climbing on the koala' sign, which is pictured at the end.

What's this amazing sight I happened upon while walking home today?  It's just a bush full of cockatoos, that's all.  

They're kind of hard to spot with white sky behind, but maybe if you download the pic and zoom in ...

You can see two here milling about on the lawn.  You may notice the the vaguely triangular white blob on the left is the wrong way up.  That's because it was rolling on it's back, like a horse.
Here are the chickens milling about.  Apparently we're getting eight more soon, from some friends who are moving and can no longer accommodate them.  These ones have really started to earn their keep with the egg laying, though.

Here's a lovely picture of the view from the back deck around sunset.  I think probably on Wednesday evening.

Now this is very exciting.  This morning as I was tossing and turning and waiting for my alarm to go I could hear it raining outside.  I was prepared to walk down to the station, but just as I was about to leave Sarah offered me a ride, because she was going out anyway to take #3 to kindy.  (Maybe it's kindie.  I don't know.)  So I got to the station half an hour earlier than usual, and only waited about a minute before this turned up!
It's a double-decker bus! I didn't think they had them here!
 This was, I believe, a serendipitous event, because although it's the correct route number, it's not at a scheduled time that I would normally be taking it.  But it happened to be raining, and Sarah happened to offer me a ride, and so it was my fate to ride a double-decker bus to uni today.  As soon as it pulled up I seriously said 'Oh, cool!' out loud, then I got on and went straight upstairs, and sat in the very front, which was nearly fully windows, as you can see.  It was kind of like those trains in Copenhagen.

At the very next stop two boys and their grandma got on, and they did the same thing -- straight upstairs and to the front.  It was so fun.  And it was fun seeing everyone at the stops smiling as the bus pulled up.

Now this is something else I saw on the way home, and it's very exciting.  I was looking for The Princess Bride in a movie shop, and I came across this:

Look Annie look!  (If you knew about this and didn't share then I'm not sure we can be friends anymore.) (I don't know why you wouldn't share, though.  So here I am sharing.  How much excitement is this?)
 Very much excitement, that's what.

Lastly, we have some new house guests/residents.  More accurately yard guests.  They're guinea pigs, from the same friends who can no longer accommodate the chickens.  There's two, but one scampered off into it's little house when I approached, so there's only one in the picture.  The not-pictured one is black.

Not-chocolate not-bunnies.
 They do sort of resemble bunnies, but without the ears.

That's it, my friends.  It's way past my bedtime.  Good night.

1 comment:

  1. VERY much excitement!! I had no idea. When's it from?
