Sunday 29 September 2013

Chapter 45 - A horse, of course!

In which our hero posts some things in order to be able to say she did a post in September....

Hello. No apologies, really. Got people to be and places to see. Also homework.

So. Now there's a horse living next door:

That's the horse with a white horse blanket on. I apologise that I have no zoom. And what's that in the foreground, you may ask? Why, that's a load of horse ****. Literally.

Also, here's some more pictures of the kitten. I think she's grown considerably. She's still smallish, though, and soft and slippery. That patch of hair where she was shaved when she arrived has grown in fully, but it's a bit lighter than the rest of her. This morning she was outside, and she climbed all the way up my flyscreen. (That's how they say screen in Australia.)

Blending in to the lounge. She's pretty much invisible when the house is dark, but now she wears a collar with bells so we can hear where she is.

Sleeping in the laundry hamper. Because the lounge is just not comfy enough.

Being cattish on the patio.

Spider Cat.
 Here's some other interesting things too:

Sweetened condensed milk in a tube. Don't brush your teeth with it by accident.
Some lovely flowers that live down the street.

In Toowoomba, where they built the roads around the trees.

BUSH TURKEY!! On the University of Queensland (UQ) campus.
There. Now there's a post for September. Happy?

1 comment:

  1. Yes!
    Now...You gonna do at least one more post before you're 29?!?
