Monday 28 October 2013

Chapter 46 - A Post for October

In which our hero is really quite busy and also doesn't have internet at home ... 

So here's October in review. Really quickly, with lots of pictures and not much writing. It's study week. My first exam is on Saturday. Right now it's Tuesday. So I'm busy. Also I haven't had internet at home for a while.

Progress on the light rail. Now have shade sails up, and benches, and all sorts of things. They started testing trams last week.

Encountered this at the cinema.

Picture of a lady (one of the founders?) at Guzman y Gomez Mexican Restaurant in Southbank, Brisbane. Look at her shirt. I'm pretty sure Mom has the same one.

More liquid nitrogen ice cream. Not as awesome as the first time.

Surprise box of birthday surprises from the sisters!

Coco discovered she can drink out of the tap.

Came home one night to birdy sounds. Thought a parrot had flown down the chimney again. Turns out there's baby chicks. At this point only two of the original four remain. :(

Tee hee hee. Birthday present!

Another birthday present. The disguise so clever that it is in disguise itself. (It's a transparent mustache).

Surprise birthday cake! (Supposed to be 28+1, not 281)

Football-shaped Dinosaurs. Seriously. Went on a little Brissie adventure with the boys. These strange looking things were on the UQ campus.

I kid you not. Also on UQ campus.

There was chocolate fondue at the end of the adventure. It was delicious.

Better view of the chickies.

When we returned from the Brissie Birthday Adventure my bike was gone from where I'd left it on the bike rack. Smashed up helmet (pictured next day in daylight) and broken lock were all that was left. Who can say boo-urns?

Coco investigates the chickies.

End of the holiday week we went for a climb up Mt. Warning. It was a bit steep there at the end. Also, look Annie, rocks.

This is what a difference of 10 shoe sizes looks like. That's me on the right, and my friend the Friendly Giant on the left.

View from the top of Mt. Warning. From the other side we could see the ocean. This one is looking inland.

Gold Coast Bulletin photographer shooting a busker by the new hospital.

High Speed Bush Turkey! (On Griffith Campus)

Doctor Who Pop Up Shop. Glen and I got there at 6:15 a.m. to be 3rd and 4th in line.

Lots of good costumes. Including a cyberman.

Later that day was the volunteer briefing for the Bicycle Queensland Brisbane to Gold Coast Challenge.

The Jaggera Arts Centre, where the briefing was held. It was cool. I could picture there being dances there in like the 40s or something.

Christian really really loves hot sauce. This one might have made him cry slightly. He didn't actually drink it, just put it on his food. Clearly he's insane.

Coco smells a flower pot. She's allowed outside for a frolic now. She never wanders far, and always comes back.

Relay for Life. I wasn't in it, because I'd committed to the bike ride thing. But I went to the beginning and took some pics.

Riders at Rest Stop 2, Coomera State School. That's where I was stationed. There was lots of people, and lots of very expensive bikes.

There were three penny-farthings, but I only managed to capture one.

There were literally heaps of bananas left over.

I took two boxes. Glen took one. They make delicious smoothies.
The engineering building highlighted by late afternoon sun with a stormy grey background.

Fright Nights at Movie World. Christian was Cpt. Jack Harkness. Glen was a Hawaiian Princess. (Or Hawaiian Queen, as he pointed out).


Look out! It's a zombie! (There were random wandering zombies all over the place. They'd come at you from the artificial fog.)

The whole gang outside the gates.

That's me as the 10th Doctor and Christian as Cpt. Jack. We look awesome, if I do say so myself.

That's enough now. I'm going back to studying. You should too. Maybe snacko first.

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