Sunday 17 February 2013

Chapter 11 – Tomato: You're Saying it Wrong!

In which our hero gets soaked before coming in out of the rain ...

Started the day with brekkie, as one should. Then there was a household expedition in search of a new mattress. At the mattress shop we saw a green tree frog on the window. Just hanging out. Observe.

Then we browsed in the pet shop for a bit, where I made a go at taking pics of some fishes. 

"It's a trap!"

Then, we went to the chicken shop, and bought three more chickens for the back yard. First the original two had to be rounded up so they could all have a little “Getting to know you” session in the pen. 

What could possibly be in that box?

The two originals, about to be rounded up.  (In the background, just there.)

Free at last! How funny would it have been if that was an old KFC box?

Then, a grocery shopping expedish, to the local ALDI, where I saw this:

Next time I say "fetch me some snacko," you'll have to drive all the way to Oz ...

Then, back to the house for some lunch. Playing with the remote controlled ATV managed to develop into a pretty epic water fight, which involved a little spray bottle, two sports bottles, and a toddler with a sippy cup. P.S. - most adorable thing ever – a two year old in a hooded towel. Anyway. We were all pretty thoroughly soaked, and then it started raining, so we went inside to watch a movie. Makes perfect sense.

Then, as the movie was a bit dry, I started discussing with munchkin #1 about all the words that I say differently, or “wrong”. We made a list. Here is what I can remember from it:


There was about twice as many as that, but I can't remember them. Also, apparently, I sang “Jingle Bells” wrong, as there's an Australian version involving a rusty old ute with something in the boot, and dashing through the bush. I passed the test of “We Will Rock You”, though, as well as “Hey Soul Sister”. It was necessary to find out if I knew them.

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