Tuesday 26 February 2013

Chapter 17 - Addicted to The Block(s)

In which our hero spends valuable study time playing with toys ... 


I only had one hour again today, because everything else that should be on Wednesdays is a tutorial or lab, which don't start till next week.  More electromagnetics.  I really need to get my vector skills up to scratch.  We didn't do nearly enough.  I met a new person, though.  He's from Trinidad, I think, but went to Centennial College in Scarborough, and is doing the same sort of credit transfer I'm doing.  Except he got less credit than I did, so I'm not sure what's up with that.  Anyway.  We're going to be electromagnetics lab buddies.

I woke up on time today, sort of.  I was woken up early because one munchkin wanted to know how to spell 'treasures'.  Then I fell back asleep.  It was sunshiny when I left, so I rode the bike down.  It goes much smoother with the new inner tube.  Made it to the bus.  Made it to class.  Worried through the whole thing because I feel like I only have a basic grasp of vectors.  Determined to start revising and studying as soon as I got home.

When I got back to the station it was sort of dry-ish (it had been raining off and on since I left) so I rode the bike back up.  I rode up two hills, then it started raining, so I pulled out my umbrella, and started coasting down the little down-hill before the last up-hill.  I made it part way up, then decided it was too awkward with the umbrella, so I walked the last 50m or so.  Maybe 25.  I don't know.  I have no real concept of distance.

I was thoroughly beat, and felt slightly ill from the exertion, and from sitting sideways on the bus.  I decided to chug down some refreshing lemon mineral water, which, I'm happy to say, is pretty much the same as the lemon San Pelligrino that's prohibitively expensive here.  This stuff, though, was Coles brand, and only costs 90 cents for 1.25L.  Sweet deal.  Definitely the discovery of the week.  So far, anyway.  Then I fixed up the Mega Blok tower, because some blocks had been removed.

The repaired Mega Blok tower.

Then I made an omelet for lunch, with toast and a nectarine.  Then I felt better, so I went and sorted all the wooden blocks into like sizes and shapes, and built a wooden castle around the Mega Blok tower.  Now it's 3:50, and I haven't done any schoolwork yet.  I got home at 1:15.  Bah.  Time wasted? I don't know.  It was fun, and I recovered from my ride up the hill.  A little relaxation is good, right?
The completed castle/tower.

I used every wooden block I could find :D

Here's the other thing, though, is there's this show called The Block, which is basically a home renovation competition.  It's very interesting, and I really like it, and it's unfortunately on every night except Saturday.  Makes for enjoyable but unproductive evenings.  Bah again.  Oh well.  It can't last forever, right?  I think they said it's only six weeks, and it's been on since I got here.  So that's like four weeks left.  Some of it's just drama, though, so I could probably skip a few nights.  We'll see.

I'm such a softy too though whenever the kids want to play, because I'd much rather be doing that than school.  

Also, there's chickens in the back yard.  They are locked in their coop at night, and wander around freely during the day.  They frequently sit on the bench just outside my window/door thing.

Also also, there's a sort of marsh thing by the station, and I saw these weird skinny black chicken things there.  There was one that had a kind of dark blue head, and one was really fluffy so it was probably just a baby.  They ran off pretty quick, but if you look closely you can see the fluffy one.  That black thing in the middle over by the fence. 

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