Friday 15 February 2013

Chapter 7 - Oz Burger Syndrome

In which our hero makes a most unsettling discovery...

Today I had my very first ever actually Australian hamburger. That one at The Works doesn't count, because although it had the correct toppings, it wasn't actually in Australia. It was in Toronto, and it was a bit weird, but there was an odd combination of sweet and salty that was not half bad.

This one today I got from the Koala Cafe at school. It was already made up, and I couldn't see what was on it. It said it cost $4.90, but since they were about to close, the fella only charged me $4. Then I went and ate it. It had salad (lettuce), beetroot (pickled beet), grilled onions, t'mahto, and t'mahto sauce (ketchup). It was actually good. Those of you who know me will know it's next to sacrilege for me to admit liking anything oniony, besides sour cream & onion chips. But there it is. My name is Christine, and I like a burger with onions.

I realize now that I should have taken a picture of it. Instead, though, I took a picture of a bird wandering around amongst the chairs of the caf.

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