Friday 15 February 2013

Chapter 8 - A Quick Campus Tour

In which our hero goes for a wander 'round the school, and looks undoubtedly silly taking pictures of signs ...

Went in yesterday for a meeting with my program convener.  We had to go over the required course list, and my Fanshawe transcript, and figure out what I could be given credit for, and what I should take to complete my degree.  Now don't be jealous, Andrew, but you're not my only Australian friend named Andrew anymore.  This particular Andrew was very helpful.  He even called up the prof of a course that's full, and asked her if she'd let me in, and she said yes.  Once we figured out a Semester 1 Schedule, consisting of one Year 1 Sem 1 class, two Year 2 Sem 1 classes, and one Year 3 Sem 1 class, I high-tailed it over to the student centre thingy to enroll in the classes before someone took my spot.

After that, and high on the feeling of accomplishment, and glad to have the load off my mind of enrolling and what not, and finally knowing what my class schedule was, I went for a bit of a wander, and took some pictures.

First I ate lunch, though, which was the aforementioned Ozburger, which is why the pics start at the Koala Cafe.

Outdoor food court area.
Looking out from the Koala Cafe

Student Services

There's some black and red parrot things at the top of this tree.  I don't know if they're really visible.

Great big 'Welcome to Griffith' banner.
Library exterior - under construction.

Library interior.

Also library interior.

Library interior - pile of bean bag chairs.

Library interior - earplug dispenser.

Student Centre, where I used their compy to do my enrolling.

Walk this way ...

Hungry Hungry Hippo

The athletics field - this is where the lovely tree is that I showed you before.  In fact, I believe I'm standing under it.

There was lots of construction going on. Hence lots of foot paths closed.

Oh. Look.  A hill, with a curve and a stop sign at the bottom, and a roundabout at the top.  Does this remind us of anything?

A disused bike lock up, I think.

A car that's the same colour as the parking sign.

Sorry for the blurriness.

A bike lock up near the art school.

I choose to believe this is the Tin Man.  Might not be, I suppose.

Look, Annie. Rocks.

The light rail transport line they're building to service the uni.

Fairly self explanatory, I think.  Lock up your bike and sweaty clothes, use the loo, take a shower, you're good to go.

1 comment:

  1. I can't believe there was only one picture of rocks.
    I like the reflecty one a lot too though!!
