Friday 15 February 2013

Chapter 6 - Eeeep! Spi-dah!

In which our hero encounters a spider and goes "Eeep! Spi-dah!" ...


Eeep! Spi-dah!
He's there, in the middle.  You have to look closely.

I saw this fellow, I think I'll call him Mr. Stripey, on account of the orange and black striped socks he had on, on my way down to Helensvale Station this morning.  I was going to catch a bus, so I didn't have time to stop and chat.  I was, however, thoroughly surprised.  I said to myself, "Self," I said, "if that chap is still there later, you should take a picture to show your friends."  And he was, so I did.  Really, though, what else does one do when confronted with their first proper Australian spider, (Mr. Scuttles doesn't completely count, because only there for the cakes, and was as much surprised as we were), which is most likely poisonous, but stick one's hand not four inches from it to get a picture?

Not to panic, though, my friends.  He had a web attached to a post way down by the motorway.  He was nowhere near my shoes or my sleeping situation. 

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