Thursday 28 February 2013

Chapter 18 - Pavs!

In which our hero is educated in the ways of the local dessert ... om nom nom ...

Two very important things.  I spent my long break today going over the electromagnetic notes and trying to make some of it stick.  It just made me more tired, and something like dejected or disheartened.  Needless to say I didn't feel like it stuck.  Or even made an impact.  Then later I had an electromagnetics tutorial, with the aforementioned new Australian Andrew, and he very kindly explained things from the beginning, and it might have made a bit of a dent.  I hope.  I feel a lot better about it anyway.  Still lots of practice necessary, though. 

Here's the second exciting thing, to which the title and subheading are referring: I had my first ever pavlova today.  It's something we missed out on the first time 'round, probably because they're not easily transportable finger foods like lammies or finger buns or Tim Tams.  What it is, or at least the way we had it, was a pre-made meringue nest, with thick sweetened cream filling it up, and then bananas sliced on top, and chocolate grated over it.  It was quite tasty.  Apparently it's supposed to have berries, and/or passion fruit, but we didn't have any.  And the chocolate's not normal, but hey-ho, you can't really go wrong with chocolate. 

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